Dictators and extremist leaders everywhere

Unpopular? Fearing a coup? Lacking a national purpose?

It's time to get in touch with the

Allied/coalition forces

and ask for your own personal

Bombing campaign

That's right. Just say the word and we'll fly over your country and bomb you back to popularity.

Check out these fantastic features...

  • Available under UN or NATO colours.
  • American and UK involvement guaranteed. For additional credibility, choose extra countries from our superb list including France, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Syria.
  • Full television coverage a certainty - round the clock on CNN and BBC 'World News. Plus multipage sections in Time, Newsweek and most of the world's top newspapers.
  • For that unique touch, we'll be sure to use at least one smart munition never seen before on the battlefield.

And here's the best news of all. It's free! That's right. You pay absolutely nothing. The entire campaign is funded by American and European taxpayers. Isn't that an incredible deal?

Here's what satisfied customers have to say...

Slobodan Milosevic

"National unity has never been better, thanks to NATO and those magnificent men in their flying machines."

Saddam Hussein

"I used to wonder if a coup would come from the Republican Guard, but now there's only eight of them left to worry about. I've finally got rid of those pesky weapons inspectors too. Great news."

Moammar Gadhafi

"One night of disturbed sleep in 1986 and my status was fixed for life. In my own country - where it really matters - my daughter is a national martyr and I'm revered. A very efficient service."

Omar el-Bashir

"We in Sudan asked for a trial-size war and received one Tomahawk missile. The effect was dramatic. Thousands demonstrated in the streets. Economic troubles completely forgotten. In a few years we hope to be eligible for a full-scale bombing."

Don't delay. Order your war today!!

Yes, please send me your bombs.

I would like the excuse.

For top publicity, please use

I would like my new munition to be

Required bombing rate:

That's it! Send no money Just press a button below. You should hear from us (even if it's just the distant drone of engines) within a year or two. Remember, this is just a game, so don't involve Israel.

Page created April 1999. © Andrew Starling 1999

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