• Two thirds of the world's population doesn't own a phone at work or home.
  • One third of all people on the planet will never use a telephone in their entire life.
  • 96% of the world's population doesn't have access to the Internet.
  • Are you one of these people?
    What are you waiting for?
    Stop messing about. Get on-line.


The Internet's not just for the elite, it's for EVERYBODY in the world with a computer, telephone and money.

We're saving up.


One of the Internet industry's leading figures has stated that the Internet should be seen as a basic human right. Clearly this is somebody with a wide view of their lounge the world.

We at Twaddleserve have been forcing poor people on to the Net for years. Check out these testimonials from our satisfied customers...

Getting enough food to eat was always a priority in my village until we were introduced to the Internet. Now we realise there are more important things to think about than survival.

My brother has been very good about reducing his food intake so we can pay for our new telephone line. The Internet is turning out to be the best educational tool we have ever had. Next year we are hoping to get even more out of it when somebody in the village learns to read.

After a three hour trek to fetch clean water there's nothing I like more than to relax in front of our village computer. In the evening my husband joins other men in the communal hall and they study the many sites dealing with female anatomy.

Poor? Get connected with Twaddleserve!

Just $600 a year including 74 free hours of access. If the per capita income of your country is below $600 a year, you may qualify for a loan from the World Bank or International Monetary Fund. Your country may be forfeited if you fail to keep up repayments. If the gross domestic product of your country is below $600, you've probably got one of these loans already.

Here are my credit card details.
Please get me connected to the Net so I can see interesting sites like this one.

Card Number
Expiry date
Life expectancy

Check this box if you expect to eat today

Page created April 1999. © Andrew Starling 1999

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